Dr. Ric Alexander has been in the health and wellness industry for over 40 years, and his ultimate goal as a doctor is to educate as many people as possible in the ways to live a healthier and less stressful life while using the simplest and most logical methods. With these methods, he has cured thousands of patients of their pain and aided them toward a leaner and more balanced body. From an early age, Dr. Alexander recognized that we are bombarded by unhealthy fad lifestyles, and from then on he aspired to become a doctor and to only give his patients that which he knows to be true.
Doctor Alexander currently runs the Institute of Precision Muscle Balancing in North Hollywood, California, where he practices his lifelong development – Precision Muscle Balancing Technology. He devised PMBT to cure himself of various debilitating musculoskeletal conditions over twenty years ago when no other doctor was able to ease his pain. With this technique, Dr. Alexander has successfully treated thousands of patients with ‘permanent’ conditions, and he is very excited about his ‘Treat Your Own’ video series as he is now able to help people who are out of his reach. Videos currently offered include those to treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tennis Elbow, Golfer’s / Pitcher’s Elbow, and Arthritic Hands. These videos are fully effective and are available at a fraction of the price of just one treatment by Dr. Alexander in the office. More videos are planned to come in the future as well (requests are welcome!).
Along with spreading the knowledge of how to treat these frustrating conditions, he has also given the world access to the book which he has been developing his entire life. Victory Over Fat covers exactly what the title expresses, and much more. Dr. Alexander compiled this work in order to give every single person the tools to live a lean life naturally, healthfully, and permanently. The first 3,000 copies are specially priced so be sure check it out.
Also, following his passion of educating the world he is posting his articles on the Pain-Free and Fit Blog – be sure to subscribe as he will be updating it regularly with articles you should definitely check out if you are interested in living an optimum lifestyle.
To health and happiness!