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The Cure for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Common Treatments for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Most treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome involve physical therapy machines like ultrasound and muscle stimulation that help reduce inflammation. Stretches and exercises are also usually recommended. These treatments can temporarily reduce the inflammation and pain but

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The Cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a cumulative trauma disorder (CTD), which is also called a repetitive strain or repetitive stress injury (RSI). Cumulative trauma disorders are currently the number one job related ailments in the United States. They cause almost all lower back and

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Cause of Neuritis

Manifestation of neuritis occurs the exact same way in which acute and chronic tendinitis begins. This scar tissue formation as a result of an injury causes muscle to become shorter and tighter than normal.  The increased tension and stress on

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The Five Factors Affecting Severity of Neuritis

You can now read the cause of neuritis, but there are five primary factors that determine the severity of the condition. The first is simply the degree of misalignment in the joint. Obviously, the worse the misalignment the greater the

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Relief of Bursitis

The symptoms of bursitis can be treated in various ways. Some relieve the pressure on a bursa temporarily while others help reduce the inflammation caused by the joint imbalance. In my experience, none of these treatments remove the primary cause

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Posted in Bursitis

Cause of Bursitis

When someone does a physical activity to excess, they strain the muscle which was overused. This can happen to a well-trained athlete who is striving to excel, or a retired person who overdoes it working in their garden. This scenario

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Posted in Bursitis

The Five Factors Affecting the Severity of Osteoarthritis

You now know the cause of osteoarthritis, but there are five primary factors that determine the severity of the condition. The first is simply the degree of misalignment in the joint.  Just like our tire example, the worse the misalignment

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Posted in Arthritis

Cause of Osteoarthritis

When someone does a physical activity to excess they strain the muscle that was overused. This can happen to a well-trained athlete who is striving to excel, or a retired person who overdoes it working in their garden. This scenario

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Posted in Arthritis

Relief of Tendinitis

The symptoms of tendinitis can be treated in various ways. Some relieve the pressure on a tendon temporarily while others help reduce the inflammation caused by the joint imbalance. In my experience, none of these treatments remove the primary cause

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Posted in Tendinitis

The Five Factors Affecting the Severity of Tendinitis

You now know the cause of tendinitis, but there are five primary factors that determine the severity of the condition. The first is simply the degree of misalignment in the joint. Obviously, the worse the misalignment the greater the stress

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